Sunday, September 14, 2008


Now a new wrinkle has been introduced to this year's magazine: we have a very diverse group. Of course looking at them one wouldn't think that - they're all White, all female, and all the same age - but they come from a variety of backgrounds, and all have their own ideas about what a literary magazine should be.

I've asked the students to redesign the magazine this year. We need to sell more copies, or we can't really say that we're representing the students and their work. I imagine though that they all have different ideas about what a revised magazine will look like.

How will this fadge? as Viola says in Twelfth Night. I guess we'll find out.


Mike McVitty said...

This raises a great question. How do you use diversity to your advantage?

Unknown said...

You use it by using everyone skills to work together and make many good things come from it. Just like the saying goes when life gives you lemons make lemonade!