For the past few years, we've taken all the students we could get. It has been years since we've had a male on staff. It used to be that there was a literature team, an art team, a layout team; now, however, a number of the students do any and all jobs.
Back when we could be more selective, we used to have people fill out applications. The completed applications helped us place the student. Also, some students never completed applications - they were not made part of the magazine.
Hi, my name is Hannah. I'm the co-editor-in-chief of my literary magazine at my school. But we're having a little bit of trouble, and I was wondering if you could help; it looks like you've got a lot of info from the few posts I've read. We've got most of our literature selected, and some art, and of course our theme. Now our problem is knowing how to put it all onto a layout. We're struggling with design and computer know-how. I'm pretty sufficient in InDesign and PhotoShop, but hardly anyone else of our 8-member staff is. So in summation, do you know anything about layout? Could you possibly offer some advice? It would be great to hear back from you.
Thanks again,
There is some information on this blog that may help. I would be glad to talk with you over e-mail. Just e-mail any specific questions by clicking on the e-mail LMC link.
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