Monday, March 15, 2010

Helping them achieve their goal: phases of the year

Each phase of the publications year has its own mood and motivation. We usually begin in September feeling ebullient and experimental. Lots of new faces at the meetings. Then we begin advertising the magazine in the fall, collect submissions, and try to focus the group on choosing a theme. Sometimes this works within weeks; other times . . . The theme is usually chosen by the end of November, and things suddenly become focused and workmanlike. At each meeting material requires evaluation. Our print rep comes in. Problems with the theme are discussed. How many pages will this magazine be? How many colors? Cover stock? Glossy? Then in January and February things rise to a fever pitch: we need a play! Does anyone have a picture that will fit with this poem? What is a colophon anyway? Then comes the day in February when the layout begins. March and the beginning of April are quiet as they layout genius creates his or her magic. Posters asking for submissions are taken down; students drift off and are never heard from again. Then in late April, early May: a magazine! Commercials run on the school news, lit mag members sell the new issue at lunch, in classes, at graduation practice. A few final meetings at which we prepare summer evaluation submissions and scheme for next year - those meetings are usually attended by only the most dedicated and those desiring plum positions in the next school year. That's the different phases at Big Spring.

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